
Nov 9, 2010

Turn the Corner

The first year of knowing that MG was living with me was tough in so many ways. I started telling my doctor in February of 2003 that something was wrong with me. It took from February to December to get the official diagnosis. From what I know that is actually a short time compared to what others have experienced. The full calendar year was a test for sure. There are so many experiences that are burned into my memory. I saw Dr. K on a very regular basis. I learned the names of his children, how old they were, where they went to school and he sometimes would share other personal stories with me. I saw him every two weeks. Each time I was eager to see him to show him what I thought was improvement. I wanted to get better so much. His encouragement to me every time was "you will turn the corner". It was encouraging to hear that but it was also frustrating. I could not figure out how I would know. Each and every little change whether it was positive or negative was a step down the road. I kept waiting for the corner. "Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." Acts 4:11

1 comment:

  1. I hid my early symptoms from so many people for months before I couldn't do it anymore. Its kind of hard to hid the inability to speak and droopy eyelids! I have quickly learned this "corner" they talk about with disease probably doesn't exist for me:) I have lived a fairly normal life once I learned to live with MG. But I live with it and do not let it run my life!!! Hang in there and I hope this is your corner!


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