
Feb 24, 2011


Yesterday I drove the 30 miles to the dealership to pick up my car. I didn't drive it home. It is officially really sick. That is a post for tomorrow perhaps. I met with the man who sold my car to me while I was there. I was having some trouble with my breathing today. Some of it was doing a lot (for me) of walking and some of it was the stress I was feeling over my sick car. Anyway, I shared with him that I have a neuromuscular autoimmune disorder called myasthenia gravis. He told me that I should stop saying that I have MG because God will not heal me unless I have faith and claim it. He said that if I truly have faith and believe it then God promises to heal me totally. So, I must stop saying that I have MG, claim that He will heal me and if I have enough faith then I will be healed. It is a conversation that I have thought about a lot. I told him that I totally believe that God does perform miracles and that He can heal me in an instant. I asked him how he thinks praying for healing impacted Paul. After all, Paul prayed for his thorn to be removed from him but Paul was not healed. Paul says he learned to be content with whatever circumstances. It seemed like I was being told that I have MG because I don't have enough faith. I know that God has used MG to teach me so many lessons. I don't feel like I am being punished by God because I have MG. I know that I am loved and a Child of God. As I reflect on the total conversation, I pray that I said what God would have me say and that I acted the way that God would have me to act.


  1. Hi! It sounds like you totally said the right thing, and regardless, the Lord determines our steps, even in conversation. It sounds like the man was talking about the prosperity gospel beliefs that your suffering or lack of money is indirectly proportional to your faith. Our pastor actually just addressed it in the sermon on Sunday, with the same example of Paul you mentioned in your blog.

    I enjoy your blog and follow it. :)

  2. Hey Ms. Kay,
    Cindy in NC here...couldn't help but put my two cents worth in here...invited or not! LOL...I, too, have been told much the same thing, by a pastor who was at a church which I was asked to sing for Revival. I asked him only one question after he basically told me that I must not have "enough faith" or this "hideous disease" would be Healed...yes, I remained calm, and standing...I asked him, "Sir, with all due respect, who am I to question God's plan in my life?...Who am I to assume that my being BLESSED in this special way is a bad thing? and sir, who are YOU to assume that I was chosen to bear a disease, rather than to live my life in a way that show what FAITH is in my life?". I sang my song and went southern roots had sprung from the ground and grown into a full grown Magnolia that night!

    I don't think that my having MG is a curse, or necessarily a "bad" I wish I didn't have it...Yes!...Do I have bad days, weeks, months, ...Yes! ...but I also have received blessings from having MG that only I ...and maybe you...and others like us...can understand. I have SO much more to learn...but if I didn't have faith...well, understand.

    Love and hugs,
    cindy in NC


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