
Feb 8, 2011


I am wondering what has happened to good old fashioned kindness. It has been on my mind in the past few days. Why are people so unkind? I remember hearing throughout my life that you attract more flies with honey. In the past few days I have encountered several unkind people. I have been ignored and even yelled at in the past couple of days. I watched parents be mean to their children in public. It hurt me for the kids. Sometimes I am even unkind to myself by not taking care of myself.

It takes little effort to be kind. This week I am going to be mindful of being kind to others and kinder to myself. I am going to smile more. I will give out lots of compliments and I will exercise patience. Just think of the difference we could make if every day we did something to demonstrate kindness to others.

"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32

1 comment:

  1. Last week Lboy & I were in line to check out at the grocery store. This lady came up behind me with her buggy & bumped me with her cart. I turned around just to see what hit me & she looks at me and says, "What is your problem?"

    I just politely said I got bumped with the cart & was just curious what it was. After I said that she bumped me AGAIN on purpose! I was so shocked that I just didn't know what to say.

    I checked out & got the heck out of there. If she was willing to hit me twice with a cart then she had some serious problems. I just went on my way & decided I was going to be happy regardless of the fact that she was unhappy.


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