
Jan 2, 2011

I Resolve

Happy New Year to everyone. It is hard for me to believe that this is 2011. It seems the older I get the faster time flies. I am not much for making new years resolutions. I rarely make them because it seems I am so bad at keeping them. This year I resolve to count my blessings. That is it...just count my blessings. I am thankful for so many things. I have had lots of time to think of my blessings during the past few months with all of my physical challenges. I am thankful for the gift of salvation through my Lord, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for my son and daughter in love. I am thankful for my precious grandchild, Lboy. I am thankful that when Lboy sees me he runs to me with open arms. I am thankful that I get to see him and babysit. I am thankful for how much my daughter in love loves my son. I am thankful for such wonderful friends. I am thankful for my physical comfort. I am thankful to live in a country full of so many freedoms. I am thankful for my bloggy friends. I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given me. I pray that 2011 will bring you every happiness.

"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness; That [my] soul may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever." Psalm 30: 11-12

1 comment:

  1. I don't like resolutions either...I did a post about that. Instead I like "resolve"...verb versus noun, ya know? I want my life to be a verb, even if it's not always the verb I wish it were! God less you this year, Kay...May you have wonderful health and happiness all yer through.


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